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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I was scammed or defrauded?

There are no shortcuts while playing NTTGames.
Our games have been designed for maximum enjoyment for the majority of our users and we are constantly striving to improve our games based on the need of the community. While playing Knight Online, players should not attempt to gain unfair advantages or agree to receive in-game assets by directly sharing account information or visiting questionable sites indirectly extracting account information.
This will almost always end in completely unexpected results. Despite numerous warnings given to our users about fraudulent websites and the issues that can occur with using them, there is still a large number of people advertising fraudulent sites and thus attracting many users into their disadvantage.
It is every user's duty and responsibility to keep their personal information, such as their account password, safe and not to entrust it to anyone under any circumstances. Therefore we unfortunately are unable to compensate those users whose accounts are affected due to visiting the fraudulent sites, or due to having given out their password to others for any reason.
We are sorry for your loss but hope this prevents players from trusting those that do not have your best interest in mind.

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